Just two clicks to select the best washing cycle, just a few clicks to reach the perfection.
It’s called UNIKO and it’s the first touch-screen display made in tempered glass, conceived for granting high perfomances easily.
Select the icon corresponding to the flatwares you have to wash, touch Start and…forget your warewasher.
During the washing process you can check anytime its progress thanks to the Timer placed on the left of the display; as far as the cycle is finished the display will blink until you open the door this reminds you that inside there are cleaned flatwares.
The handy Start icon changes belonging to your Krupps’ warewasher showing you its state: Green means that the machine is ready to start a cycle, Blue will appear during the washing cycle while Red means that the machine is filling or heating the water.
Once you selected one cycle you can look at its settings clicking on the «i» icon, while the return arrow allow you to go back to the previous screen in order to select a different cycle.
At the end of the day we do always recommend to follow the Autoclean instructions.
This process helps you to maintain in good condition your warewasher through the automatic clean of the washing tank and the emptying of the boiler by the hot water, in order to prevent limescale deposits.