Our R&D department is always focused on solutions that can improve your daily operations.
The increasing demand of the Osmosis System led us to work on improving the only product able to guarantee bright and dry glasses without hand drying. Our project has improved the user experience, simplifying at the same time technical assistance’s interventions.
We are very glad to introduce you the new Osmosis System SO3000K.
The new Osmosis System has an external prefilter cartridge that greatly simplifies the its replacement operations.
From today the only ordinary maintenance required by the osmosis system can be done very easily by the user: simply unscrew the exhausted cartridge and install the new one, reset the litres counter and go on with your perfect glasses.
This new solution avoids the loss of time due to technical interventions and it guarantees the customer always extraordinary washing results thanks to a constantly purified water.
The new SO3000K is equipped as usual with 2 prefiltration cartridges, offering you a great autonomy already from the moment of purchase.
Click here to download the technical data sheet

Easy cartridge replacement
Stop to downtimes
More independece for the user
Working well service
Excellent results always guaranteed
Better product’s lifetime